For many, easefulness isn’t easy. Some live in constant low-level anxiety while others live with an overly developed sense of personal responsibility for just about everything. Sheer exhaustion from carrying so much expectation on oneself is then confused with laziness. One can become numb and irritable as well as physically run-down. This is no way to live!
Easefulness allows one to do just what is in front of one without judgment or self-induced pressure. It arises out of a centered and calm self. Here are some ways to invite easefulness into your life:
Stay in the present moment. Use your physical senses (hearing, seeing, touch, etc.) to help keep your mind from racing ahead into a vast unknown. Or simply meditate.
Focus on doing an adequate job with what is right in front of you, no matter how large or small it seems.
Stop worrying! Situations rarely turn out like you think they will so save your energy. It is possible to actively switch your mind from worry to something more positive. Try it.
Remember that you have survived everything in your past to get to today. No matter how challenging situations have seemed you have prevailed. Focus only on what you can do in the next 24 hours then rest.