It is possible to claim back time spent in worry, sleepless and anxiety about the future. For the unknown is not the problem. It is fear of the unknown. And fear has the unfortunate quality of magnifying potentially negative outcomes while ignoring positive and neutral possibilities.
You can unhook your mind from an fear. Try placing your focus on the people, places and things that comfort and support you. Call a friend, read an inspirational book, watch relaxing TV or eating comfort food. Don't deepen the “worry wrinkle” in your brain by indulging in negative forecasts about the future. Remember, for your entire lifetime, you have been dealing the unknown. You are a walking history of handling life on life's terms.
It has been estimated that 90% of what people worry about every day does not come to pass. So strive to do your best to live in this current day only. This will allow you to rest at night with the knowledge that you have done what was required of you. In this way you can inculcate a positive future. Don’t let fear cloud today and bring qualities such as avoidance, negativity and anxiety into your tomorrow.
Remember, by learning to see doubt as a possibility rather than a threat, you will ultimately live a richer, wiser and more peaceful life.