Have you ever gone through a day feeling lonely, even though you may have seen and interacted with people all day? Maybe it's because you didn't really see them. Really noticing people, and letting them see you, is a blessing to both parties. It is a cleansing moment of shared humanity.
Yet going beyond the boundaries of transactional relationships can feel risky - and in some cases it is right to maintain strong boundaries. But often, people simply feel afraid of the unknown. One might think “but what if I risk really engaging with them and. . .(fill in the blank).
I think one reason people fear connecting with others is that they may not feel very connected to themselves. When avoiding unsettling emotions or blocking unwanted thoughts from one's own mind, it is much more difficult to be aware of others.
When feeling lonely, take an honest look inward. Some ways people to this include journaling, contemplating, meditating, reading, being in nature, calling an old friend or seeking spiritual growth. Sometimes, talking to a mentor or starting therapy can help.
It can take effort to break away from the lonely a habit of being locked up inside, but it is worth it. By broadening one's connections to others one creates a more universal perspective on life. This in turn gives one a larger capacity for life, love and joy.