With all that is going on in the world - climate change, the war in Ukraine, COVID, poverty and racial injustice just to name a few – how does one find a place of peace within? Is it still possible to feel true happiness and love in this turbulent world?
Holistically speaking, it can be difficult to separate one's personal suffering from the suffering of the world. Evil does exist - but love, warmth and connection also exists as we are born with the capacity for the full emotional spectrum of humanity. By focusing on the negativity in the world, especially negativity that we can do very little about, there is little strength left over to change anything!
To change the world, start by changing yourself. Then you can tackle the problems of the outside world in a more grounded and effective way. Otherwise, regret and worry about world events will not only blunt your ability to do good but create more inner negativity.
So in the search for peace, start with yourself.