Difficult people are everywhere - but in your personal life, they can feel devastating! When someone close to you is caught up in their own pain, anger or other negative emotions, they can completely ignore what they are doing to you - and even self-justify it! But you don’t have to let it ruin your life.
First, remember that most of the reason that they are upset with you is not personal. Even though you make have some part in what is happening for them, their state of mind is what determines how they behave. Their thoughts create a verson of you that is NOT you.
Secondly, feeling disliked stings. It is hard not to retaliate when someone seems to be deliberately trying to hurt you. Do your best to not respond in kind, even if you are emotionally reeling. Give both yourself and the other person time to back down before moving on to solving the issue.
Thirdly, is an unhealthy dependency part of the problem? Dependency kills respect. When you let yourself be dependant on someone, or another person encourages you to take care of them without mutually agreed upon terms, resentment can take over your relationship.
Relationships more than anything else help us grow and mature. They polish off rough edges in our character and support us to live longer and happier lives.
Rembmers, often the most powerful secret to changing another person’s behavior is to change your own. Then you will automatically treat them differently. This is the fastest way to get out of a nasty situation with someone you care about.