Not Quite Feeling Yourself These Days?


Our country is living through unsettling times. Are we moving toward healing? Will the future hold bipartisan unity - or war? In some ways we are more isolated than we have ever been, and at the same time the news coming into our homes is often violent and disconcerting.

These extra layers of stressors can cause symptoms such as feeling frayed, short tempered, unfocused, anxious, depressed or even a bit disassociated from the world..

Here are a few ways that may help you to feel more like yourself:

1) Get lots of sleep. It is a lot of work for the brain to integrate the kinds of extra-stressful experiences we are having these days, and more rest than usual is needed.

2) Make time to care about others. Talk to friends and relatives you may have put off speaking with because you don't feel your best self. Chances are they haven't either and will welcome your call.

3) Eat well. Take a walk. Self care will improve your sense of well being in ways that you may not realize.

4) Be careful with alcohol or other substances. It can trigger unhappiness with family and friends in these tense times. It can also lead to an habitual escape pattern that creates a downward spiral.

5) Take time to meditate, contemplate or journal. Make lists of what you need to accomplish during day or week. All these are stabilizing and help you to access your better self.

6) Finally, if you still don't feel right, or are facing larger problems, please consider speaking to a professional therapist.