When is it Time to Move On?


Life is not static and people, places and things do not stay the same forever. However, understanding from deep within when and how to move on isn’t always easy. Just considering change can be a bewildering and exhausting endeavor - especially if you are very attached to a person, place or thing.

Sometimes it feels easier to just ignore that change is needed. Other times, you may wish to flee a situation at any cost. Unless your life is in danger, give yourself time to come up with the right decision from deep within.

Tools to do this include making a list of “pros” and “cons” and journaling about your feelings. Contemplation and meditation always help. Make financial plans. Make sure you look at the decision you want to make in terms of your mental and physical well-being before looking at its affect on others.

Friends, co-workers and relatives may offer advice given with the best intention - but does it really work for you? Instead, you may wish to talk to a professional who is trained to help you to understand your motives and your capacities for change.

So if you are thinking about moving on, do so bringing your best wisdom and insight to the creation of a new path. Know what your best intentions are. Experience the inner certainty that comes from a well-made decision.