Thinking of Starting Therapy?


A lot of people think about going to therapy five or six times before they actually make a call to a therapist. I think one of the the biggest fears people have is that therapy won’t work and they will be even more stuck.

Indeed, sometimes the person they contact is not a good fit. But more often than not, it is. Therapy provides a place to find the answers within. Decisions get made that may have seemed impossible to make, and burdens that don't go away can be lessened. Therapy can reduce one's stress and help to heal a broken heart.  It can be an invaluable tool for growth.

So all in all, I think therapy is worth investigating. Feel free to call me for a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if therapy might work for you. If it doesn't feel like we would be a good match, I am happy to help you to find someone else. After all, you have nothing to lose, and perhaps everything to gain.